What is stem cell therapy?
What are the different types of stem cells?

So why do we take the cells from adipose (fat) tissue?

What can we do with the stem cells?
What makes MediVet America's technology better?

How will the procedure work?
The day of the procedure Dr. Knox will re-examine your pet. Dr. Knox is extremely skilled in veterinary medicine & surgery, one of the best vets in the Escondido, San Diego area.Your pet will be anesthetized and constantly monitored in preparation for the surgical procedure. Dr. Knox will surgically remove a couple tablespoons of fat and recover your pet from anesthesia. This is a quick and simple procedure that is generally easier than performing a spay. The fat sample will then be processed to remove the stem cells. Processing generally takes a couple of hours. After the stem cells have been collected, your pet will be sedated and the stem cells will be administered into the affected joints and/or into the bloodstream. There may be stem cells delivered directly into the bloodstream because there is evidence to show that other systemic issues may be positively affected. The great part is that Companion Animal Health & Rehabilitation Center’s stem cell procedure, using the MediVet America technology is an outpatient procedure. Your pet will go home the same day of the procedure.

When will I see results?